Imagine how it feels to pass by major advertisements in the street, or see a Box Office hit, knowing that your work is boldly displayed internationally, everyday? That amazing feeling is the result of this beauty’s hard work over the years! She may style one of the biggest Artists in the world, but after this Exclusive Q &A, Candice’s path to greatness will become crystal clear! We talked everything from her Journey, To her outstanding accomplishments, & The shop she will be located at in her and Nicki’s hometown, Jamaica Queens! Get to know, Celebrity Hairstylist, Candi World!
NR: We are going to get into your brand, but first, how did you discover your passion for doing hair?
CW: I guess it started from when I was younger. I just always caught onto everything after watching or I would always say “Oh I can do that! Let me try it”, I would always tell people that just so I can see if I could!. I guess that’s where it started from. But I think that it was just something I always knew how to do. The passion really came when I did ‘American Idol’ but before then, I was off and on with doing hair.
NR: So you were just a natural! What age did you start? & Who was your first client?
CW: My first client? Please, I was in Junior High School (LOL). I used to know how to braid really well, All my friends would want extensions, and again I used to be like, “Oh I Know how to do that!”, because my mom would always braid my hair in those “Poetic Justice”braids. So I would ask her, “Can you teach me how you did that?” Then after I would go to my friends and tell them let me try this new braid style I learned how to do. That’s just how I started getting clients. So I was maybe about, 13/14 when I had my first client, even though I was barely getting paid anything at the time.
NR: So did you always want to turn it into a profession or was it just a hobby back then?
CW: It was mostly a hobby for a while, and then I remember going into a shop when I got a little older. I said, Let me put my hobby to use and give this hair thing a shot. I was going to school at the time, and I was trying to pay for that so I was like let me to try to rent a booth and see if I could make some money.
NR: Did it work?
CW: I mean it worked, for a little bit. But then I also have two children. So trying to juggle school, working in a shop and my boys, it was becoming a big task. So I had to slow down from doing hair after school.
NR: Got you! So I’ve met a lot of Hairstylists in the industry, and most of them are in their late 20’s, early 30s. A lot of times I hear them speak on discovering their passion too late. What are your thoughts on that?
CW: I would have to agree! I wish that I had the same passion that I have now, back then. Even though I was doing it, I wish I would’ve taken it much serious instead of recreational reasons. I just feel like in my early 20s, I should’ve taken this talent and ran with it, because that’s where I’m at right now. I’m trying to build, when I could’ve started building when I was younger. I know it sounds weird when I say that, because people will say, “You’ve done this” or “You’ve done that, what do you mean ‘Build’ “? I will say, put it this way, I had to bust my butt for everything, to be relevant enough to do those things, My friend saw that I’ve been doing hair since we were kids, even when I had doubts she would say, “You can do this”. I’m not going to lie, it boosted up my confidence. And when I got that job offer I was like “You want me to do WHAT? Ok, well I’m going to be the best that I can be then, because the world is going to be watching!” I really worked hard and bust my butt…..
NR: When you say ‘bust your Butt’, what exactly do you mean? Did you have to do tryouts…..
CW: It just meant I didn’t want to look crazy! I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. I had to make sure everything fell in place, I also had to consider, even though I was offered this job, there’s a lot of people right now that would love to be in this position. So I felt blessed and it kept me motivated and going hard to make sure I got the job done. Like I say to other people, I didn’t have to go through all the ground work but I do feel like when you get in any position you have to work your butt off to keep it. That’s key.
NR: Totally agree….
CW: Yes. It’s a requirement, because I feel like right now, even though I have the names and the things that I’ve done under my belt, I’m still doing footwork! Like now I’m trying to build up my clientele because I was really working with one person. I’m happy and I feel blessed for the simple fact that it opened up my eyes & helped me see what path I wanted to take. I knew I had Talent, but I didn’t have that same confidence that I have to date.
NR: I can completely relate to that feeling.
CW: Trust and believe, I just want everybody to know that I still had my doubts when I was doing something for America to see. I was till nervous. I was looking everyday on social media to see if there were negative comments like “Oh My God, are they going to say anything, is it going to be alright?” I had those kind of anxieties.
NR: Most people recognize you as Nicki Minaj’s best friend, who are YOU outside of what people see. How would you describe yourself to the world?
CW: How would I describe myself to the world….. Can we get back to that question? (LOL)
NR: Yes of course…
CW: …Just as far as who Candice is, I’m a mother of two and a hard worker…
NR: We can get back to it! It really is a hard question believe it or not…
CW: You know what it is? I think with that question, it’s more so like, you know who you are as a person, but I don’t even really know how people view me when they see me as ‘Nicki Minaj’s best friend’. So it’s like I don’t really answer that?
NR: Definitely. Do you get recognized? Do you still commute the same way? Like when you’re home, in Queens, do people recognize you often?
CW: People do come up to me every now and again. It used to be different like a year or two ago, it used to happen very often. But now, I’ll more so get a look and I’ll know, like ok that’s what that look is for, or I would get random people that would walk up to me and share their life stories and be the sweetest person then they’ll hit me on Instagram later and say “It was so nice speaking with you earlier”.
NR: Do you find it weird? or surprising? It sounds like it’s more surprising
CW: It’s more surprising than weird. I don’t think that it’s weird because social media rules in this day in age, so everyone is watching someone’s time line and getting familiar with who’s around them. Plus, it was TT & I (another one of Nicki’s best friends), that were on the steps with her when she made her 1st appearance on the “Come Up” .
NR: On ‘The Come Up’ DVD you mean…
CW: Yea, but I’m sure there’s people that do recognize me without saying anything.
NR: Yea. I’d say that, because I definitely think the Barbs know exactly who you are and they’re all over!
CW: One time I was in the mall with my boys (her sons) and my mom, I remember this one girl walked up to me and asked “Hey, are you Candi?” and I was like “Yes I am. Hey!” She was like, “I follow you on Instagram and I love your work, you are just so inspiring, and I just want to be able to be in the same position that you are in”. I was just like “Aww, Thank You” It’s was more of a surprising thing, because I’m not thinking that if I’m walking around in Queens Center Mall with my family doing regular stuff, that somebody would walk up to me and say something, let alone think that I’m inspiring to them. Hearing stuff like that, really makes me want to go harder.
NR: I can only imagine!
NR: Is Nicki the only celebrity you’ve ever done?
CW: A-List? Yea.
NR: Who else have you done?
CW: Beat Face Honey I don’t know if you’re familiar with her, but she’s a celebrity Make Up Artist. Gossip Viv and Mrs. Maraj….
NR: I love Gossip Viv!
CW: Yea she’s a really great friend of mine, but those are the only names I can think of at the moment.
NR: Is working in the industry something you want for your brand? After witnessing Nicki’s journey firsthand, how has it affected your goals for your brand? Would you rather keep it towards Hollywood or more Home Based?
CW: Well I would like to dabble in both if possible. The reason why I would say home based? Is because I have “My Boys” and I would get to spend more time with them. So that’s the only reason why, but I also feel like it’s still great to have the best of both worlds, you know? And God willing being able to do the tour in March.
NR: The one she has coming up for ‘The Pinkprint’. That’s HUGE!
CW: Extremely huge, I’m looking forward to that. I also had a grand opening on FRIDAY…..
NR: I was just going to get into that! Tell us about the event and why you chose to do it in Queens! It’s not just you! ‘Candi World’ its a group of you ladies?
CW: Let me explain what Night Glam is. It’s a shop that’s located in Jamaica, Queens where I will be taking my clients. It’s a group of talented Make-Up Artists including one other hairstylist besides me. Its a cool comfy environment I think people will enjoy. I do freelancing and travel outside of my hometown so I was looking for a shop so I could be stationed some where that people can come to me, so Night Glam is going to be that for me. Eventually I do have my own plans to open up my own shop.
NR: Got you. So will you be doing hair or giving hair tips?
CW: I’ll be doing hair there, because I feel a lot of the times people don’t want you to come to them.
CW: It’s weird. People would rather say, “Can I come to your house instead”?
NR: Do you think that it’s just because it’s YOU that they say that? Because I know if I had a personal Hairstylist, I wouldn’t mind them coming to me! (LOL)
CW: Exactly! I would love for my hairstylist to come to me honey! When I first started it was different. Then I started running into people that would say, “Ehh, Ok, but can I come to you?” So now I have that outlet for people, if you don’t want me to come to you, you can come to me.
NR: I’m so surprised to hear you say that! (LOL) Do you plan to move forward with ‘Night Glam’? or is Candi World separate?
CW: Well my brand is ‘Candi World’, but yes I will be working with ‘Night Glam’. I love the NG Fam and I’m glad to be a part of it, but I’m on my own mission, this is just apart of it.
NR: So what is your ultimate goal for Candi World in about, let’s say, 3 to 4 years?
CW: I will definitely have my own shop. That’s something I want to open up for myself. I also want to have a team. CandiWorld’s Glam Team. I guess establishing a business that’s going to be able to provide every one’s needs all around the board that’s what I want for my brand as CandiWorld.…
NR: Your nails are always on point! So I can see people looking to get their nails done from your business.
CW: Thank You! That’s why I want the best of the best, people that are going to be on my team. So like I was saying before, it’s just a matter of me just doing the footwork. It’s so crazy, you can have a name, but still have to go hard to build.
NR: You still feel like you have to prove yourself…
CW: Of Course! I haven’t really done anything in the community yet. Not since people are recognizing CandiWorld for doing hair. I use to work in a nail shop, doing Eye lashes for at least five years, I know how to do makeup, I’m kind of like the jack of all trades when it comes to this glam stuff. A lot of people ask, “’Do you have a makeup artist?” and I say, “No, I wish! I take my time and do it myself in the mirror”. (LOL)
NR: So you did American Idol. When exactly did you do it, because I know Nicki was still in her wig phase, so were you just prepping the wigs ? Or…
CW: Yes. It’s actually Oscar’s creation, Prepped by me. Are you familiar with Oscar James?
NR: I remember…
CW: Ok. So it’s his creation, so that’s why I would always hashtag prepped or styled by Candi. You do what you have to do to get the hair looking at its best. I’m just glad I got a chance to show my skills.
NR: So now that she is in her natural stage, are you doing her now?
CW: No, not at this moment, But I’m still a part of the team. The last event I did was the dancers for the Fashion Rocks show on CBS during Fashion Week.
NR: So for sistas like me, who love Clip- ins, I’m a clip-in girl, what’s the best pack hair to buy?
CW: The best pack hair, I would say is ‘Remy Velvet’, I always tell my clients, why get bundle hair to cut it into a bob. It last for a great amount of time, It looks light, nice and shiny, especially if you’re not using too much product on your hair. I always tell girls, “please no products”!
NR: I was going to ask you that! For celebrities who have their hair so flawless all the time, but I’ve seen hairstylists put hairspray in their hair. I know they are not wearing pack hair, but is their hair durable for hairspray or products?
CW: I do not recommend Oil Sheen at all. I just feel like Oil weighs the hair down. Once you do that, it loses its volume. Now it’s oily and dead. I recommend a nice light product.
NR: So you would rather use nothing…..
CW: You know what product I actually like? It’s called ‘Chi’. It’s a great product, it doesn’t weigh down on the hair, it pulls everything together, and it doesn’t give it an oily look but it revives it. That’s what I use.
NR: Taking Notes…
CW: Note to self! Use that ‘Chi’! (LOL) Their products are amazing, seriously. I can fall asleep on my hair, put that Chi on it and Wallah Magic I’m back!
NR: Amazing, but I don’t feel like you can do that with Pack hair, only bundles…
CW: The thing about pack hair, you can’t do too much to it but you can still do everything, depending. I wouldn’t recommend dying it. I wear wigs that are ‘Remy Velvet’, I wash & curl the hair the same way and it still looks flawless. I like to use Moroccan Shampoo and Conditioner, it works well on weaves & it smells great! plus it gives the hair bounce.
NR: So it’s not always expensive products that do the trick….
CW: You just have to find a great product! There are things that are inexpensive, that are great products that you can use. Whereas a lot times, people feel like, “I have to buy this 35 dollar shampoo, because it’s going to make everything amazing!” Not really. They might be great but you can find other products that might be just as amazing. I’m not too big on natural, but I do wash and blow. I’m trying to step out of my comfort zone and start doing dreads. I tell people there’s a lot of things that I still have to learn.
NR: That’s what makes you relatable. People may look at you and say she’s done some amazing stuff, she must know everything!
CW: … I’m Still learning!
NR: So what is Candi’s proudest moment to date, since working in the industry?
CW: I can’t even really say my proudest, because I did a lot that I’m proud of. I love the fact that I can still drive down the highway, or still pass by a bus stop, and see the ‘Myx Moscato’ Billboards and know, wow I actually worked that photo shoot.
NR: That’s HUGE….
CW: I feel like that and American Idol was just one of the Highlights of 2013 for me because I can sit here right now, in 2015 and still see, especially the Myx, and be like, WOW I actually did that. You know, don’t get me wrong, I’ve been working with her for a long period of time. 2013 is when I really started the tour with her. I did the Young Money tour, but even when I was doing the YMT in 2010, I was just doing makeup and hair for the dancers! Then in 2011, I did the tour with her and Britney Spears.
NR: My absolute fave! That’s HUGE.
CW: American Idol, I worked on set for The Other Women & The MYX billboard was some of my Highlights of 2013 because I can sit here right now, in 2015 and still see it. So I guess that’s some of my proudest moments in this industry. I’ve been working with her for a quite some time, 2010 I did the Young Money “I Am Still Music” tour and in 2011 The Britney Spears “Femme Fatale” tour.
CW: Yes. Proud moments. On the Young Money Tour I was prepping the dancers hair & make up. For the FFT I was apart of Nicki’s glam squad, making sure her hair was ready and set for the stage. I got PROMOTED! (LOL). The beginning of 2013 a lot began to change. Like I mentioned before, I did idol, the Myx Moscato Billboard & Posters, ‘The Other Women’ movie, Commercials, Performances, Photo & Video Shoots, that’s why I say I had to work really hard.
NR: I think that’s so important for people to know, because most people will see, that’s her friend and she may have had it easy. You didn’t have to go through such obstacles but you still had to WORK. It wasn’t given to you on a silver spoon.
CW: It DEFINITELY wasn’t! I had to put in some work.
NR: Right.
IG: CandiWorld
NR: How have you girls managed to keep your friendship so tight with work and the industry?
CW: This is a person that I’ve known since I was 5 years old. Besides that fact, I just think that once people truly understand you? , and you guys understand each other. I feel like there’s no reason not to be tight. That’s the best way I can explain it. Everybody is going to have differences, but that should never break your bond.
NR: She’s very consistent with conveying the same feelings when she talks about you guys.
NR: Did people start moving funny around you?
CW: My other friends don’t understand. When I’m away, no one barely calls and when I ask why I don’t hear from them they tell me I’m too busy. “I just reply and say you don’t think that’s when I need you guys the most?
NR: AMEN! The people who are closest to you are generally the people that fall back the most. It hurts.
CW: You’re always sacrificing to get closer to your dreams! And sometimes people don’t really understand that because they can’t see through your eyes. They’re on the outside looking in and think everything is fun and games. It’s work! the fun comes after I’m usually stressing because I’m doing something that’s in the public eye for a huge MOGUL.
NR: I can totally relate…but the ending result is always worth it!
NR: So what are your top 3 songs on the album?
CW: I love the whole album.“Grand Piano” “The Crying Game” and of course “All Things Go” because I feel like that was all about her, it grabbed everyone by the balls. No one didn’t expect that so I would put that at #1. The Second and Third? “I Lied “and “The Crying Game” because that was helping me get through my shit! THAT ALBUM WILL LIVE ON FOREVER. She’s so amazing at her craft, I bow and take my hat off to her. I feel like the world was waiting for that.
NR: I LOVE, LOVE LOVE “Favorite” with Jeremiah, “Want Some More” (I feel like she murdered everybody’s shit lyrically), “Buy A Heart” definitely, I really just want them to release that and be done with it & ‘The Night Is Still Young” is the soundtrack to my life right now.
CW: You asked me for a top 3, but you can literally listen to “The Pinkprint” straight through.
NR: I couldn’t agree with you more! Candi, I thoroughly enjoyed speaking to you, I became a fan of YOU today, Thank You so much for reaching back out to me!
CW: No, Thank You for reaching out to me!
There you have it! I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for Candi! I wish her nothing but happiness, love and success. She is truly an amazing Talent and this definitely won’t be the last time you hear from her!
If you are in Queens NY area, be sure to stop by Candi World at the Night Glam Studio, for makeovers, Hair appointments and so much more. For more information keep up with Candi!
Instagram: @CandiWorld & @Candiworldhair
Twitter: @Candi_2